After the Second World War, an infant school was established in St Bede’s Parish. It was housed in the old church buildings, which is now the parish hall. Every morning after mass chairs had to be stacked away in order to clear the space for three classrooms. Pulling partitions across the hall created these classrooms and Mrs. Thomas, a Welsh Presbyterian, was responsible for this annex. After completing their infant education most children transferred to SS Peter and Paul’s in Ilford to continue their Primary Education.
In the early 1960s, when Monsignor Christopher Creede came to the parish of St. Bede, one of his main ambitions was to establish a purpose-built infant and junior school. This was achieved when the present school was opened on a previously derelict site on 10th January 1967 with five classrooms ready for use. The first Head teacher was Sister Rosario of the Sisters of Mercy.
Two years later there were seven classes in use which then made it a complete Primary School.
In 1975 Sr Gertrude succeeded Sr Rosario as Head teacher and following Sr Gertrude’s sudden death Sr Joan was appointed in 1983.
In 1993 the community of the Sisters of Mercy and parents of the school raised funds to build a resource room and Deputy Head’s office in the infant block and an extension to the staffroom in the junior block.
In 1995 Mrs McGrath was appointed the first lay Head teacher of the school.
In September 1998 the infant school increased to two forms of entry. In September 1999 the middle school, Years 3 and 4, became two forms of entry and in September 2000 the upper school, Years 5 and 6 completed this expansion.
Three new classrooms were constructed to provide extra accommodation and a nursery block was also built.
In December 1999 an area of the school was remodeled to house an ICT suite and a specialist teaching area. In January 2004 further remodelling work took place including a new SEN suite, library, waiting area, Middle and Upper KS2 small teaching rooms, Head teacher’s office and a second outside play area for Reception.
In August 2006 the infant school was remodeled and extended to provide an accessible toilet and a non-class based group room.
The school provides facilities to accommodate 420 children in the school and 52 children in the nursery.
In 2012, Mr Nott was appointed Head teacher and Mrs Roberts became the Deputy Head teacher in 2017.