Our three key learning values – the ‘3 Cs’ – were chosen to draw attention to those behaviours we
believe most vital for all our particular children to become excellent learners. These are best taught,
recognised and celebrated by members of staff, peers and parents – whenever we see them!
- Sharing your own ideas and thoughts.
- Being honest in difficult situations.
- Being able to explain the work and achievements of which you are most proud.
- Sharing hobbies and other interests.
- Helping others by sharing your knowledge and skills.
- Fully participating in lots of activities.
- Tell a member of staff if you see something unkind happening.
- Attentively listen to and look at other people when they speak.
- Accepting of others’ opinions and differences.
- Building upon another person’s ideas.
- Asking different kinds of questions.
- Articulating own ideas with evidence and justifying a point of view.
- Thinking critically about other people’s views.
- Helping others.
- Keeping your classroom tidy.
- Being on time for lessons and events.
- Looking after the school’s and other people’s property.
- Being an active participant in lessons during partner and group work.
We also recognise the value of resilience. We encourage the children to be so when supporting them with their attempts to communicate, show curiosity and collaborate with others.